Best Khabar Team | २०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
– Shree Hari Subedi “SAMAN”
We generally believe that suffering results either from past thoughts and actions either in this life or from a previous life. As long as it catches a man in the phenomenal world of transient objects and appearances and becomes attached to them, he has no escape from suffering.
The Vedic religion did not focus on suffering initially, but upon securing peace and happiness in the mortal world with the help of Gods in heaven and patrons upon earth through rituals and sacrifices. For that knowledge of the Vedas, virtuous conduct and obligatory duty are the keys. According to Hinduism, “suffering is an inescapable and integral part of life. The purpose of religious practice and various schools of Hinduism is to resolve human suffering that arises from samsara, which is a specific sense means the cycle of births and deaths and in a general sense, transient life.
There is always a contradiction if any pain or suffering is good to us. As it is always a part of it, we cannot avoid suffering but we can control it. So, the question which arises is: How can it be possible at this stage? You may have experienced till your age; too much pain at sometimes and little suffering often. Now, you need to realize why you are taking those suffering seriously as you are living and working now and always. Pain comes and goes, but you need to believe yourself about the timing of your life. They can knock a biker down when he rides carelessly, but also, a calm rider can meet an unexpected accident. The first biker will have more suffering of injuries than the second; it has been experienced, no doubt at all.
So, what are the ways to control ones sufferings? My little knowledge says to take it easy at first. It is not possible, but still it will work. You should search for genuine problems, not the frivolous ones for real sufferings. You can find happiness within some sufferings. Why are you afraid of sufferings? It’s the mindset that needs to be cleared out. We have been talking a lot after meditation or being peaceful, we can be free from suffering. These psychological health practices are great and effective, but this is not the only way. Hence, you need to try your own way and find out if it really works for you. You will not be free from sufferings forever but still, you can be happier than anyone, you can reduce the level of stress. I have experienced the same cases many times and sharing my wisdom through this blog. Believe me, everything is temporary and so are the sufferings too…. So, it is also about the thought. Thoughts are perceptions, not universal truths. Hence, control over your thoughts. People don’t strive for it and later on, suffer for nothing.
Last March, when I was in Germany, my friend, Ute, said they are suffering because they have everything. It stunned me for a while… We had a deep discussion and she realized that everything should include generosity, love, compassion which is hardly experienced over there. We all need to strive for inner happiness. have an extreme desire for vacations as they just want to kick back. We visit many places however we hardly understand and cope with the sufferings ‘deal’. We don’t want to realize those things in our auspicious times. We couldn’t observe with intrinsic views though we see many social structures, faiths, rituals. For instance, Buddhists do not believe in the caste system but still, there are occupational castes prevailing in society, hardly we have noticed. We take these things so easily during our sojourn because we have a fixed mindset of temporal happiness in our vacation. You are not to blame as it teaches most Europeans like that way, but, who understands with no exotic vacation or world tour, they are happier. She spontaneously appreciated my understanding and further added. In Europe, it distracts everyone. 80% of people are immensely distracted because of modern tradition. People are earning too much ego and being too much individualistic almost everywhere. We hardly develop the spirit of generosity. But, if you want to be kind, if you want to be patient, you are already in the path of spirituality which is eventually helping to reduce sufferings.
As always, the thought plays a vital role either it is suffering or not. They universally agree it is universal acceptance, affection, amusement, anger are also sufferings. However, one can make out of it positively. Deep down, we can reduce our suffering by ourselves and no one will help us out. We need to have an inner drive to fight against it if we do not love it. We may suffer from one disease or one deceitful friend, we must make our thoughts for a positive way out – “I will be all right with medication” “My friend will not deceive me anymore”. If not, we will go deeper and can be trapped in a world of suffering. Medication, advice from friends, or families can help you somewhat but your seed of thoughts needs to be strong for every sufferings or pain.
We all agree that life is painful and it’s easy for us to become discouraged. But, we need strength and wisdom to overcome every trial and ultimately fulfill our purpose of life. We have experienced many times hopeless and tired, but still, we moved out. We have witnessed these sentiments many times. The ultimate faith also grows up from suffering that will emerge, though it takes a lot of time and patience. But, we need to strive for it if we want to take it easy; the sufferings.
२०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
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२०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
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२०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
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