Best Khabar Team | २०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
26 March, 2020 Pokhara
This Thursday night, people from Western parts of Nepal had taken to social media to report sighting of the ‘burning’ object . When this information published in the social media, The Nepal Astronomical Society has urged Gandaki province residents to provide further evidence on an unknown object observed entering the atmosphere from space, as many people had reported sighting a bright object flying towards the Earth followed by a crashing sound.
Although a few rubbished the posts as hoax, repeated accounts of the event lead to a wider speculation and eventually, NASO’s response, seeking evidence to look into the matter. The society, meanwhile, stated that the object could be a fireball or a bolide (very bright meteor, one that explodes in the atmosphere.)
“The object seen in the Nepali sky this evening is probably a fireball or a bolide. We are looking into the matter and will share more updates tomorrow,” it said in a statement late on Thursday. (Source : THT)
२०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
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२०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
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२०२६ पुष १७ गते बिहिबार
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